10.1.4 Seasonal Employment
- Applicationto the competent authority of the Decentralized Administration of the company’s headquarters (upon receiving the file, the application is printed from our system and remains in the folder).
- Valid employment contractfor at least one year in Greece, indicating that the remuneration is equal to or exceeds the minimum monthly wages of an unskilled worker (currently €780 monthly), according to the applicable legal provisions (3 copies). The contract should include the address, telephone number, and email of both the employer and the employee. The contract must be signed by the employer with his/her signature duly certified, either by a Citizen Service Centre (KEP) or via gov.gr.
- Solemn declaration, signed with a signature duly certified by Citizen Service Centre (KEP) or through the gov.gr platform, according to which the employer: a) will undertake the foreseen expenses, if the conditions for the application of paragraph 3 of article 80 of law 3386/2005 (Government Gazette A’ 212) are met, b) certifies that the employment contract submitted fulfills the employer’s obligations arising from the applicable provisions regarding the legal minimum wage and daily wage, as well as from any commitments of the employer under the respective sectoral, local, business, or professional collective labouragreement, and c) confirms that the business activity of the company (sole proprietorship or legal entity) is related to one of the activities falling within the tourist sector, namely: 1) tourist accommodation, or 2) catering services, or 3) maritime tourism services, or 4) travel agency services, or 5) airport handling services (select at least one of the above activities).
- Proof of payment of a fee of 100 Eurosfor each third-country citizen to be employed, payable to the Public Treasury and non-refundable.
- Copies of the page/pages of the travel documentof the third-country national to be relocated for work, containing a) the document details and b) the details of the third-country national (2 copies).
- Information regarding the accommodationof the seasonal worker, according to article 13 par. e of law 4251/2014.
- Certificate issued by the competent economic service of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (ΑΑΔΕ) regarding the commencement of activity, indicating that the main activity of the employer (main activity code – KAD) at the date of issuance of the Ref.No 35400/2023 Joint Ministerial Decision falls within the seasonal employment activities (tourist accommodation, catering services, maritime tourism services, travel agency services, or handling services).
- Certificate of family status or birth certificatewith the full name of the father and mother officially translated into Greek and certified. It should be submitted by the employer if possible. The lack of this document does not constitute an impediment to the issuance of the approval of the relevant application, provided that all other conditions are met. However, the applicant must be informed that the seasonal worker must carry it with them upon entry into Greek territory to submit it to the relevant tax or insurance authorities.
- Power of attorney, in case the application is submitted by a lawyer.