2.1.1 Permanent Residence Permit for Investors Article 20, paragraph B1 (Law 4251/14) – Issuance or Renewal with a change of purpose
Duration: 5 years
- Certified photocopy of a valid passport or other travel document recognized by our country.
- Entry Visa (C or D visa) or residence permit.
- Electronic fee of 2000 Euros (fee code 2112).
- Insurance Policy by a private insurance company.
- A)A Purchase contract stating that “the real estate purchase contract is unconditional and irrevocable, the total price amounts to … (250,000 Euros and above), which has been paid in full by crossed bank cheque or by bank deposit by the buyer to the account of the beneficiary held in a banking institution in Greece or a credit institution supervised by the Bank of Greece” and proof of transcription of the contract by the competent land registry office (Caution: if part of the total property price is paid in a different way than the above, the contract will not be accepted) AND
Certificate from a land registry or cadastral office confirming the absence of liens
B) Affidavit by a notary public (in case the purchase price of the property is less than two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) Euros, but the current objective value of the property exceeds or equals that amount), which should state: “From the inspection of contract No. … of property purchase, it is evident that the price of the property has been fully paid, and the contract is no longer subject to any conditions, revocations, or deadlines, and the objective value of the property, as it stands today, amounts to …”) AND
Certificate from a land registry or cadastral office confirming the absence of liens
C) Copy of a notarial deed of lease of hotel accommodations or furnished tourist residences in tourist complexes, which confirms the one-off payment of the amount of 250,000 Euros, with a reference to the issuance of the relevant operating license by the Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT), and proof of transcription of the lease contract by the competent land registry office
D) Time-sharing contract of at least ten years duration, stating the annual price, Proof of transcription by the competent land registry office, and a Certificate from the Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT) confirming that they are aware of the preparation of the time-sharing lease in question
E) Purchase contract of agricultural land or plot and construction/renovation contract submitted to the tax office in accordance with the law, and a Building Permit in the name of the interested party, and Invoices of the contractor(s) and the respective receipts of payment. - Certificate from the notary public who drew up the notarial deeds of transfer/lease agreements, which confirms the details of the contracting parties, the details of the property, the method of payment of the agreed price/rent, and all relevant details of payment, the existence of any dissolving clause, and whether the property has been used by the seller for the issuance of a permanent residence permit as an investor.
- Copy of the Articles of Association of the legal entity, indicating that the third-country national holds all the corporate shares or stocks.
- Documents required for the issuance of the card:
- Four (4) recent, colored, passport-sized photos(40x60mm without a frame – high resolution – on a white background – neutral face expression, etc.), submitted also in digital form on an optical storage disk (CD) in JPEG 2000 format.
- Card fee of 16 Euroscovering the printing of the separate document (electronic residence permit) (e-Paravolo / fee code 2119).
- Official public document from the country of birth or origin, officially certified and translated, clearly stating the place of birth. The translation must also indicate the place of birth in Latin characters.(To be provided only if the passport does not show the place of birth in Latin characters)