10.1.1 Fishermen Article 14 (Law 4251/2014)
- Application of the employer to the competent service of the Decentralized Administration of their place of residence, stating the number of job vacancies, the details and nationality of the third-country nationals to be employed, their field of work, and the duration of the employment.
- Photocopy of the first page of the passport of the third-country citizen.
- Photocopy of the employer’s Identity Card.
- Electronic fee of 150 Euros (fee code 2115), for each third-country national to be employed, payable to the Public Treasury and non-refundable.
- Table containing the details of the third-country nationals, including nationality, full name, father’s name, date of birth, and passport number.
- Solemn declaration by the employer stating that he/she will hire the employees and will assume the required expenses, if the conditions of paragraph 3 of article 80 of law 3386/2005 are met.
- Employment contract (in duplicate), signed by the employer, for each worker, specifying the terms of employment, the duration of employment, and the remuneration of the employee (The duration of employment cannot exceed 11 months).
- Certificate from the competent port authority, indicating the vessel’s registry, the allowed limit of persons on board, and confirming that the vessel is not decommissioned or inactive.