5.1.1 Exceptional reasons / Seven-year residence, Article 31, paragraph 4 (Law 4540/2018)
Duration: 3 years
The main prerequisite for being granted the Exceptional Reasons/Seven-year residence permit is continuous residence in the country for seven years prior to the application. Any absences should not exceed six (6) months in total during the seven-year period.
- A certified photocopy of all pages of passports or other travel documents covering at least the previous seven (7) years of the application.
- Electronic fee of 300 Euros (fee code 2108).
- Documents of definite date, based on which the seven-year residence in the country is calculated:
- Proof of enrollment in public educational institutions in Greece for the applicant or their children.
- Proof of application for a temporary or permanent residence permit or international protection status.
- Work permit or proof of application for a work permit.
- Copies of decisions rejecting applications for the issuance or renewal of residence permits.
- Previous residence permits, irrespective of their issuing authority.
- Copies of previous years’ tax returns, duly and properly submitted
- Copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (AFM) registration.
- Proof of insurance with a Greek primary insurance institution.
- Health booklets.
- Utility bills, as well as mobile or landline phone bills in the applicant’s name, issued by providers of any legal form, accounts of credit institutions supervised by the Bank of Greece.
- Receipts for the transfer of funds to the countries of origin through credit institutions, money transfer companies involved in transfer of funds, foreign exchange, and payment services, according to Law 3862/2010, whose supervision is exercised by the Bank of Greece.
- Certificates of attendance of Greek language courses from public educational institutions or legal persons governed by private law ,supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
- Court decisions.
- Decisions of administrative deportation or return which have not been enforced, statements of civil status, proof of hospitalization in healthcare facilities.
- Notarial documents drawn up in the presence of the applicant.
- Extract from the register of offenses and incidents maintained by the Police Department.
- Service notes ordering departure from the country.
- Certificate of issue of a public transport card.
- Other documents issued by a public authority,
- Other private documents, apart from solemn declarations, certified by a notary public or other public official as to their date of issue, or when their essential content is referred to in a public document or when there is another fact that certifies their date in a similar manner. The endorsement shall be made by marking on the document the word ‘endorsed’ and the date.
- Documents for the issuance of the card:
- Four (4) recent, colored, passport-sized photos(40x60mm without a frame/high resolution/on a white background/neutral face expression, etc.), submitted also in digital form on an optical storage disk (CD) in JPEG 2000 format.
- Card fee of 16 Euroscovering the printing of the separate document (electronic residence permit) (e-Paravolo / fee code 2119).
- Official public document from the country of birth or origin, officially certified and translated, clearly stating the place of birth. The translation must also indicate the place of birth in Latin characters.(To be provided only if the passport does not show the place of birth in Latin characters)