2 November 2023
10.3 Irregular third – country nationals working in agriculture Article 13α (Law 4251/2014)
  1. Application from the employer to the competent service of the Decentralized Administration of their place of residence, stating the number of job vacancies, the details, and nationality of the third-country nationals to be employed, their specialization, and the duration of employment.
  2. Annex 1 Application as per Circular 11/2016(maximum duration of employment is 6 months) (with a duly certified signature when submitted by a lawyer as it includes the solemn declaration for urgent needs).
  3. Photocopy of the first page of the passport of the third-country national.
  4. Photocopy of the identity card of the employer or legal representative (in case of a company).
  5. Valid employment contract for the purpose of seasonal employment, signed by the employer established in the Greek territory. The employment contract must include: a) the type of employment and the date of its commencement, b) the place where it takes place, c) the date of its commencement, d) the duration of employment, e) the number of working hours, which will be specific per day, within the week or the month, f) the remuneration of the employee, which,in any case, cannot be less than the monthly wages of an unskilled worker, g) the amount of possible leave allowance, if provided by the contract, and h) any other terms of employment, as appropriate (586.08-510.95)/26 daily wages.
  6. Evidence that suitable accommodation is provided to the employee (owner’s solemn declaration + E9 or rental agreement).
  7. Solemn declaration by the employer stating that he/she will hire the employees and will assume the expenses if the conditions for the application of paragraph 3 of article 80 of Law 3386/2005 are met.
  8. Single crop declaration (of the calendar year preceding the year in which the application is submitted).
  9. Relevant act from the competent department of Rural Development and Control of the Decentralized Services Directorates of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, indicating the ratio of cultivable area per employee (Joint Ministerial Decision 8480/289/26-02-2019).
  10. Electronic fee of 100 Euros (fee code 2113)for each third-country national to be employed, payable to the Public Treasury and non-refundable.
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