1 November 2023
1.1.4 Dependent Employment and Provision of Services or Work – Mobility – Third-Country Nationals with Long-Term Resident Status in another EU Member State (Article 98, Law 4251/14) – Granting

Duration: 2 years

  1. Certified photocopy of a valid passport or travel document recognized by our country.
  2. Long-Term Resident Permit in another EU Member State and evidence that, at the time of application, no more than three months have passed since the date of entry (e.g., submission of flight tickets).
  3. Electronic fee of 150 euros (fee code 2107).
  4. Proof that an application has been submitted to the respective public insurance agency (IKA – Social Security Institution, OGA – Agricultural Insurance Organization, OAEE – Organization of Insurance for Self-Employed Professionals and Farmers) to cover the costs of healthcare, medical expenses, and work accidents.
  5. Certified copy of the employment contract for dependent employment, with the employer’s signature authenticated by a public authority, stating that the remuneration is equal to the monthly earnings of an unskilled worker, as defined by the respective National General Collective Labor Agreement, as well as the duration of employment, or a solemndeclaration of the employer, certified by a public authority, stating that the remuneration of the employee is equal to the monthly earnings of an unskilled worker, as defined by the respective National General Collective Labor Agreement, as well as the duration of employment.
  6. Documents required for the card issuance:
    1. Four (4) recent, colored,passport-sized photos (40x60mm without a frame – high resolution – on a white background – neutral face expression, etc.), submitted also in digital form on a compact disk (CD) in JPEG 2000 format.
    2. Card fee of 16 euroscovering the printing of the separate document (electronic residence permit) (e-Paravolo / fee code 2119).
    3. Official public document from the country of birth or origin, officially certified and translated, clearly stating the place of birth. The translation must also indicate the place of birth in Latin characters.(To be provided only if the passport does not show the place of birth in Latin characters)


An essential prerequisite for the right to submit an application is the existence of a vacant job position in the specific occupational specialty, as provided for each case by the Joint Ministerial Decision (KΥΑ) of Article 11 of Law N4251/2014.

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